Loggitsi is a settlement in the prefecture of Evrytania. It is located on the northern shore of the artificial lake Kremaston. We start our hike outside the village on a beautiful route initially with low vegetation. The first kilometers are coastal, in various places we pass small and large streams with wooden bridges and the path descends to Lake Kremaston. Then we climb to the village of Tsouka in a holly forest with scattered gorse trees and some points of view towards the lake.
Arriving at Ano Tsoukka further west on its edge there is the ancient fortification of "Castle Tsoukas". The top of the hill there is surrounded by a fortification from classical-Hellenistic times and the area has been designated an archaeological site. "The fortification in places is preserved to a height of 8 buildings (3.50 m). A gate of the wall and two of its four-sided towers are also preserved. Visible residential remains have been identified within the enclosure, which are associated with the use of the site in the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods times"
The view from the castle is magnificent as we have a panoramic view of Lake Kremaston with its fjords, the picturesque villages of Evrytania and Aitoloakarnania and the mountains of Agrafa that surround it.
Quick Info
- LOCATION Municipality of Agrafa
- DURATION 3-4 hours
- SEASON All year round
- Preis: 30 € pro Person
- Mindestteilnahme: 2 Personen (Wenn Ihr weniger seit Contaktiren Sie uns)
- Treffpunkt bei https://goo.gl/maps/B6C3YMrrbVCLhNq98
- Termin nach Vereinbarung (9:00 Sommermonaten)
- Transfer auf Anfrage
- Professionelle
- Begleitpersonen
- Haftpflichtversicherung
- Snack-leichte Mahlzeit
- Spezielles Menü für glutenfreie Esser & Vigans
- Wasser-Saft
- Notwendige Ausrüstung
- Fotos
- Informationen und Anweisungen
- Erste-Hilfe-Tasche
- Hut
- Sonnencreme
- Sonnenbrille
- Saisongerechte Kleidung
- Kleiner Rucksack für Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände
- Wanderschuhe
- Langarm-T-Shirt (Fleece oder Isotherm) während der Wintermonate – Einfaches Kurzarm-T-Shirt ab Mai.
- Stornierung 5 Tage (oder mehr) vor dem Tag der Aktivität - volle Rückerstattung
- Stornierung zwischen 4-2 Tagen vor dem Tag der Aktivität - 50% Rückerstattung
- Stornierung 1 Tag vor dem Tag der Aktivität - keine Rückerstattung