Kayak Hike Granitsiotis Gorge - Acheloo - Kremaston Lake
The Granitsiotis river originates under the "Kalogeros" peak of the Western Agrafa mountains. Due to the high rocks, narrow passages, caves, dense vegetation it acquired an eerie appearance and preserved an unadulterated natural beauty. We will initially start the hike high up in the Granitsiotis canyon through a holly forest, we reach a point where Acheloos and Granitsiotis rivers meet and a where a small delta with a sandy beach is.
At the point of the Evrytos climbing field we descend low into the gorge. We continue for about 200m. where we find our kayaks on a beach. Then we will continue with a water route through Granitsiotis to Acheloos with its intense blue color, where countless wild goats quench their thirst.
The slopes are covered with lush vegetation and near the river there are stands of aquatic trees, plane trees, poplars, willows. Also a few small half-abandoned villages project on the surrounding slopes.
On the way to the narrows of Acheloos we will find a small beach with plane trees where we will take a break to relax. We continue to Kremaston Lake admiring the majesty of nature, its wonderful fjords and its small islands.
Quick Info
- EXPERIENCE Good physical condition
- LOCATION Municipality of Agrafa
- DURATION 4-5 hours
- SEASON April-July
- Preis: 55 € pro Person
- Mindestteilnahme: 4 Personen (Wenn Ihr weniger seit Contaktiren Sie uns)
- Treffpunkt bei https://goo.gl/maps/B6C3YMrrbVCLhNq98
- Termin nach Vereinbarung (9:00 Sommermonaten)
- Kajaks sind stabil und einfach zu bedienen
- Transfer auf Anfrage
- Professionelle
- Begleitpersonen
- Haftpflichtversicherung
- Snack-leichte Mahlzeit
- Spezielles Menü für glutenfreie Esser & Vigans
- Wasser-Saft
- Notwendige Ausrüstung
- Fotos
- Informationen und Anweisungen
- Erste-Hilfe-Tasche
- Hut
- Sonnencreme
- Sonnenbrille
- Badeanzug und Handtuch
- Flip Flops
- Saisongerechte Kleidung
- Kleiner Rucksack für Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände
- Wanderschuhe
Stornierung 14 Tage (oder mehr) vor dem Tag der Aktivität - volle Rückerstattung
Stornierung zwischen 13-7 Tagen vor dem Tag der Aktivität - 50% Rückerstattung
Stornierung 6 Tage vor dem Tag der Aktivität - keine Rückerstattung